Saturday, June 28, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes

I don't usually do "Tags," but this one was really cute. Janica tagged me. Kennedy had some fun answers:

What does Mommy always say to you?
Kennedy: I love you

What makes Mommy happy?
Kennedy: When I kiss and hug her

What makes Mommy sad?
Kennedy: When I do something mean to her

How does Mommy make you laugh?
Kennedy: When she's being silly

How old is Mommy?
Kennedy: 65

How tall is Mommy?
Kennedy: This tall [she held her hand up to my head- she was sitting on my lap]

What doesn't Mommy like to do?
Kennedy: Work

What is Mommy's job?
Kennedy: to work

What is Mommy's favorite food?
Kennedy: Chicken [False- we all know the correct answer is pizza. Chocolate would have worked, too]

How do you know Mom loves you?
Kennedy: When you kiss me and stuff

Ok- so I'm not "tagging" anyone, but if you have a kid, you should do it. It was fun to see what she said.


Anonymous said...

I love reading Kennedy's responses. Since you're my baby, maybe I should ask these questions of you? :)

melanie33 said...

All I can say is you look dang good for 65. Really truly amazing.

Anonymous said...

Remind me not to ask Kennedy how old her Aunt Kathy is. What adorable photographs Ashley. I am a water baby, I can't believe that I have spent a longer time in the desert than Moses!