K: Mom, you don't look very pretty, yet.
M: Oh really? Why do you say that?
K: Because you don't have enough make-up on.

K: Mom- what is your brother's name?
M: Brandon.
K: No. Your other brother.
M: Matt and John.
K: No. Your OTHER brother.
M: ...um...Bryan?...
K: No. Jesus!! Jesus is your brother!
..... Hey, dad?
D: Yes?
K: You're in luck. Jesus is your brother, too!!
PS i think you are beautiful all the time! ;)
Kennedy cracks me up (always). And I agree with Sharee - you're beautiful all the time.
That song leaves me speechless. Perhaps your band should do a cover version.
Aw, thanks, Mom and Sharee. And maybe we will cover the song. That would be a fun one.
Kids are just so honest! And funny! I think you're beautiful with or without the makeup :).
Wow, you thought of me before Jesus? Where are your priorities?! lol.
LOVE it! That is too funny...I agree with everyone else...you don't need make up! and um hello Ashley...you totally forgot about your eldest brother....(PS I don't really use the term eldest...just seemed like a church word to use:) )
ha ha! I love Kennedyisms. :-) They always make me laugh out loud. She is such a doll.
I love it when your at home and you can really crack up out loud! Thanks for sharing Ashley. I LOVED IT. I think I just shed a tear. WOOOO. Oh and the Kennedy, she's hilarious, you tell her makeup is for clowns and you Ashley are no clown, YOUR BEAUTIFUL!!!! Better yet, you should just tell your daughter your a model who doesn't need makeup:)
I remember one time telling my Mom something to the effect that she looked nicer without make-up. :) I think she liked that one.
I am glad Kennedy is so conscious of her "brother" too. That is awesome.
I love the kennedyisms. She is such a fun and smart little gal. I agree with everyone else... YOU are beautiful with or with out makeup.Inside as well as outer beauty.
Ha ha! I love these. If Halle could talk full sentences I'm sure she would say the same thing about makeup to me!!
so that's why you look so familiar! you and jesus look SOOO much alike!
I still remember cute things that my kids said when they were young. I wish I had writen them down because I've forgotten a lot more.
I'm anonymous
Anonymous Paul, perhaps you could share some of those memories on your blog - before you forget more of them :)
Hilarious! I just love the randomness and honesty of kids! Can't beat it. Although, I don't buy that you didn't look pretty.
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