Remember how Kennedy and I made a birdhouse? Well, we've made many birds happy. And just like my mother, and her mother before her, I get a little... um... obsessive when I see new birds/flowers and I go to great lengths to figure out what they are. My mother (completely understanding my obsession because it's clearly in the genes) so generously sent me a bird identification book. A nd as much as I have loved it, Kennedy has loved it even more.
Here she is showing me her favorite bird, the Mountain Chickadee. She sat the open book next to her dinner plate and said that the carrots were for her bird to eat.
Birds are so cool. That's great you're getting so many at your house. And your flowers and yard look lovely! I wish I could identify more of the birds we get in our yard. Their calls are so unique and beautiful.
Chickadees are so very sweet. I love every one of them that comes to my feeder. More than I love the sparrows.
Glad the gene has been successfully passed on and that you're enjoying the book - and the birds!
I want a wisteria.
So pretty. I love your lawn! I am a succor for green lawns
birds are cool and really interesting to watch but do they have to start chirping so freaking early? I mean, 4am and they are screaming at me. I tend to frown on that.
Other than that though birds are pretty sweet. Way to go on passing obsessions to the offspring.
I myself can spend quite a long time watching the birds, and I love listening to all the different bird sounds. My favorite bird I have seen here in our garden so far is a little bright red bird. I wish he would come around more often though. It is rare to spot him. I also love your wisteria.
that makes me laugh that you are obsessed with naming the birds. hee hee.
and good luck keeping your lawn green. i predict high water bills for both of us this summer.
First off, I have to say that that elephant story was SOOOO funny! Oh that poor baby elephant. And so priceless that you had to assure Kennedy that you wouldn't do that to her... I am still smiling because of that story!
And next, when I posted that pic of the Great White Egret in Florida, did you already know what it was or did you go to great lengths to find out!
You crack me up Ash!! Love you!!!!!
Oh the lawn and flowers look so great :o) I'm happy Kennedy loves the birds and flowers, I sure get a lot of enjoyment from them. IT's been nice bird watching in both my places this past week or so. Steller Jays I don't see very often. a new little bird with with distinctive stripes on it's breast. A goodly amount of hummers. Like I said it's been a good week for birds.
The trip to the zoo sounds like lots of fun ( except the motherload)
Sure love you.
Funny how this bird & garden thing is hereditary! But it certainly seems to be... Glad you're enjoying them!
Okay, I have to make a couple of comments because you are so good at keeping up with your life and I am laggin behind. ANYWAYS. To comment on your post a few back. HAPPY ANIVERSARY! I love the pictures, "So Romantic." Second comment, the Zoo is the perfect place to be, especially when it wares out your kids, personally, I think that it is the best part. Thirdly, everytime I drive past a flower place I think of you because I remember back in the day you worked at a flower place and you knew all the scientific names and I was like, DANG GIRL, YOU ARE SMART! I absolutly love that you can pass that down to your daughter and teach her about the birds and the bee's...jk, I just wanted to say that, I ment flowers not the bee's:) ha ha ha
Our birds here are mostly black and brown and very boring. I need Kennedy's expertise to give me their proper names. Your lawn and flowers look so pretty! Keep some warm weather for Michelle and I, who are coming over Memorial Day weekend, kthx.
That is such a sweet post. It's great to have interests travel through the generations. It keeps you close, I think.
You're just like my parents...they Love birds! Must be an age thing! ha ha! jk! So glad you found an interest and that Kennedy enjoys it! PS I've said it before and I'll say it again, thanks for being the one I can count on to comment on my blog boosts my self esteem :)
I seriously love birds so much so I right there with you guys on that one. Pretty yard! Great job.
That is one beautiful lawn! What are your tricks? I really wish I could identify flowers and birds, but I guess it's not in my genes!
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