To celebrate this momentous occasion, we had a dinosaur birthday party yesterday.
So you'd think that, being almost the middle of June, the weather would be sunny and warm. But alas. 'Twas 60 degrees, windy and rainy, and nary a glimmer of sunlight could be found. So instead of having 16 children in my spacious backyard, there were 16 crazy 3/4/5/6 year olds in my not-so-spacious basement. Chaotic? Yes. But we made it work.
The plan was to bury dinosaur skeletons in the backyard and have the kids dig them up. Instead, we put them in a piñata (thank you Janica) and let the kids take out their energy by hitting something.
Then everyone took turns being a caveman in a T-Rex's mouth.
And here's the inside of the cake. I tried out this rainbow idea and it turned out pretty cool, imho.
Make a wish!

Happy Birthday mini Ashley.. i mean Kennedy :) She is so cute!
And WOW! that cake looks just as good on the inside as it does on the outside. Yummmmmmm!!
Love that T-Rex photo. :) Very fun! I have never seen a rainbow cake either, and I think it looks so pretty! Kennedy is getting so big. Happy birthday!!
I love your mad cake decorating skills. Want to make Tay's cake for me? Even though I never see you and we have never officialy hung out? Would that be weird? Happy Birthday to your sweet Kennedy. Does she know how awesome you are for letting her have that many kids at her party? Taylor gets EIGHT friends. No more then eight because I am afraid I will have a metldown that day as it is.
birthdays rock. children turning older doesn't rock. the cake completely rocks. 16 small humans inside a home REALLY doesn't rock. her cute little outfit rocks. the fact that you didn't put a picture on the blog with you are your darling 6 year old doesn't rock. pinatas rock. getting hit by the stick of a pinata doesn't rock. i rock.
and that is all.
you are so talented with your cake baking. i've seen that rainbow cake idea on the internet but never had the patience to try it. it turned out wonderful!
looks like you throw a great 6 year old birthday party!
Happy bday to Kennedy! What an incedible cake, wow. How did you do the rainbow thing? The dinosaur decorating was fantastic. You are supermom!
GREAT CAKE!! I'm so impressed ( as per usual when it comes to your many talents). So sorry the weather was so crummy, but it looks like the party was a big success. I wonder what the kids liked most, the pictures being carried away in the T-Rex or the one they could bash around.OR the DELICIOUS cake??
Kennedy is really a sweetheart and so is her wonderful MOM.
Props on the cake- Holy smokes woman! I love that she wanted a dino party. so awesome! and very creative indeed. pinatas are the best and we love how "durable" they can be. Bravo on inviting the friends...I am holding out on that whole thing until I HAVE to. EEEK! Happy Belated Birthday to Kennedy!
That cake is AMAZING. You are amazing. Happy birthday cute Kennedy. 16 kiddos?? Kennedy is cute the popular one:)
You are so talented with the cakes!!! It looks yummy!
And in all her 6 years of life - I never realized she is only 2 days older than Lex...Crazy!
Happy Birthday Kennedy!
I miss me some Kennedy Rae. Glad the party was a success.
The cake turned out beautifully - and I assume deliciously. Want to mail me a piece? : )
I vote you quit your day job and make cakes instead. Just thought... Oh and I think you need to bring a cake to the Friend Summer Bash as well as s'more stuff... ;)
oh ya and Happy Birthday Kennedy!
Wow, what a party! That cake is amazing. Can you make me one? I can't let Brad see things like that, or he'll be mad at me for not making him awesome dinosaur rainbow cakes. ;-)
Happy 6th Kennedy!
I'm glad Kennedy had such a fun party! And WOW! What an amazing cake! How did you do the rainbows?
Thanks Brandon! I made some white cake mix, and divided the batter into 6 bowls, and used food coloring (icing coloring) to color each of the bowls a different color of the rainbow. I then dumped them in the pan, one cup (or so) at a time, baked it, and voila. Rainbow cake. Quite simple, actually :)
OH WOW! You guys are fun parents. I can't believe she is 6. Boy, time flies when your having fun.
What an awesome Cake- good job! Wanna make Heathers for her next birthday?
Ps where did you get a t-rex photo thingy?
Ashley that cake is amazing! I wish I could hire you to make all my cakes...cute piccys.
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