My super amazing
mother sent a very cute Valentine's Day craft for us to do.
We got right to work.

And tried really hard to smile for the camera.

But apparently when you're in first grade, it's really hard to just give a little grin.

Oh, ok. There it is.

I love that smile.
(Thanks for the birdhouse craft, mom) :)
adorable girl, adorable craft. I have to tell you though when I saw the title of this post, I thought for sure I was going to find a post dedicated to me, but alas....
Very nice work, and a very cute smile to go with it. :)
Remember the good times cause the teen age years are just around the corner. Man, that's a real buzz kill. Sorry.
she is soooo cute!
It turned out so cute! I'm glad she had fun making it. I'll be glad when she gets back into the wanting to look cute for the camera (instead of a crazy face) phase.... because she is so cute (even when pulling a goofy face)
Seeing these photos of the kitchen reminds me that your long kitchen wall could use some color :) Maybe we'll have to paint it when I come visit in May.
Yes, the wall definitely could use some color. Sounds like a fun project :D
What a cute craft! And an adorable 1st grader. ;) She is just too dang cute!!
what a cute craft. are you sure kennedy is old enough to be in 1st grade? doesn't that just blow your mind? she grows up so fast!
Cute house. Cute faces. Fun times. So nice of mom to send Valentines activities.
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