Sunday, July 26, 2009

How I love thee.

In our seven years of being married, we have lived in seven different residences. Houses, basements of houses, apartments, duplexes... and one may understandably assume that dishwashers are fairly common, here in Utah.

But you know what happens when you assume...

Yes. In the last seven years, I have had a dishwasher for a mere 6 months. SIX MONTHS. And do you know where we lived during those six months when I had this lovely dishwasher?? Texas. So sure- it's hotter than hell and you're away from all of your loved ones, but here- have a dishwasher.

So that means that for nearly 7 straight years, I have been washing all of my plates, bowls, pans, cups, tins, tupperware, silverware, etc. with a sponge and dish soap whilst weathering my poor dainty hands which now look like wrinkly old prunes.

Earlier this year as we were looking around to buy a house, one requirement I had was (you guessed it) a dishwasher. And this house has a dishwasher. But don't hold your breath, folks. This dishwasher doesn't work. And as an attempt to make up for that atrocious fact, the nice sellers said "Oh, sorry about the dishwasher. Here- have our old lawnmower." Come on! Justin can use scissors to mow the lawn. I need my effing dishwasher.

However. Being the adaptable person I am, I accepted this fact and happily (begrudgingly) continued to wash all dishes by hand.

But earlier this morning, Justin and I were downstairs, and I heard a very unfamiliar (yet very welcomed) noise. I rushed up the stairs to see where this marvelous noise was coming from. The supposedly dead dishwasher had magically sprung to life and started it's "High Rinse" cycle. Kennedy hadn't touched it. I hadn't. Nor had Justin.

Must have been the house elves.

I was so happy that I danced a merry jig.

Whoever it was? Thank you. Now bring on the dirty dishes. If any of you have some, bring them to my house. I will be happy to let my dishwasher clean them for you. He's wonderful.


Sarah said...

I already knew you were amazing... but this brings a whole new element to that word.
I CAN NOT BELIEVE you have been hand washing dishes for over 6 years!!!
My new house here in CA has NO dishwasher and I am dying. DYING!! And it has only been like 4 months.
...Again, you are amazing!!!

I am thrilled that your dishwasher is working again. Your poor hands need a rest :)

melanie33 said...

I lived without a dishwasher for like 7 months and i was sure i was dying a slow and torturous death... then we fixed it and i was healed.
7 years seems like eternity: i can't wrap my brain around the concept.
congratulations on the spontaneous starting of the haunted washer! (if i were you i would totally name it casper, because i am totally into naming things that don't need naming...)

Sara said...

Yay for dishwashers - I can't even imagine hand washing everything for 6 years!! I HATE dishes! You are amazing. My hero. Dish washing hall of famer. Wow. I'm glad it's fixed!!

the mom said...

LOL Melanie, when Ashley told me about this yesterday I said, "You should name it" and she did.

Sir Dennis the Dishwasher.

I suggested the "sir" part because I was sure he would speak with an English accent, if he could speak....

Raising Helm said...

Oh my dear sweet house wife working your wee little hands to the bone...I am extremely impressed. I think one year I was with out a dishwasher and it is amazing at what I would do in order not to have to wash dishes. paper to save the day-okay not always. I am practically sobbing for you-can't believe 6 years and of course sobbing for joy that your dishwasher has come to life after a rest. Way to go. You are such a wonderful woman!!!

Sharee said...

Oh my goodness! Hooray for the House elves! They do so much for us don't they! I wish I had one here. They could fix my blown out vacuum...

Lauren said...

Oh Ash! And to think I sometimes complain that I have to load or unload the dishes that the dishwasher will clean for me! Glad yours is up and working--I hope it lasts!

Kaeloni said...

That's crazy! On both accounts...I'd use paper dishes..FOR EVERYTHING if I had to hand wash dishes for that long! I'm going with your house elf theory!

Ariel said...

Our dishwasher has been broken for like two years now. And I hate I repeat hate doing the dishes, so can you just send those little elves my way! Thanks!

Heather said...

You are so stinking FUNNY! My dishes will arrive soon.

Monica Lifferth said...

Congratulations. I'm extremely jealous though. I wish a dishwasher would just magically appear in my kitchen. Please think of me every time you hear that lovely hum.

Jennifer said...

From beginning to end, that whole story is just way too ironic for words. However, your words truly did it justice! You are so funny. :) Honestly, you are so amazing. You have way earned that little dishwasher miracle.

Chris said...

I hope your haunted dishwasher keeps working for you!!! My dishes are on their way...I'm sure a magical dishwasher will do better than my crappy one.