Kennedy looked and acted like a princess. She was SO excited when we showed her the Snow White dress the morning of her party. (When I accidentally call her "Kennedy," she politely reminds me that her name is, in fact, Snow White.)

The kids decorated their crowns, tiaras, wands and swords.

The more artistically talented parents helped.

This is Kennedy's boyfriend/prince, Jackson. He hasn't hit his growth spurt, yet, but we're thinking that, once he does, and once he decides that hitting girls isn't going to get them to like him, they'll be a good match.

Then I told a story about Princess Kennedy (but she corrected me and told me the story was actually about Princess Snow White, since that is her name) who was poisoned by the evil queen. The only way to save the princess was to get dragon eggs.
So we searched in the yard to find the hidden dragon eggs. Oh- and in case you ever want to find Easter eggs in June... it's impossible. Call Janica- she has some. (Thank you :) )

After we found the dragon eggs... the dragon woke up! So we had to slay him, since that's what you do to dragons.

And here's a picture of Justin. He looks sexy. I'm not going to lie- it kind of turns me on.

We then had a royal ball, in which the kids danced to Disney music.

Present time!!!

Finally, the Pièce de Résistance:

It didn't turn out as good as I had planned, but most things don't. It's a little lopsided, although I think that's because the frosting started melting... of course that could just be a lame excuse. But it makes me feel better.
Happy Birthday, beautiful Kennedy (Snow White)!! You mean the world to me!!
What a fun day - you really pulled it off!
Kennedy IS a princess. Thank heaven for webcams and cell phones :)
OH MY GOSH! You are an amazing little mom! So creative! How fun! I wish I could've come and dressed up as a princess. And your cake...holy cow you're talented! Looked like she had fun! How cute was the ball too! K you're planning my kids future parties now!
You are a great mom and super talented!!! That was time well spent and I can tell why you'd be sad when it got all cut up.
Good job and it looks like Kennedy had lots of fun!
What a blast!! It is true though, you put so much time and effort into these things and they are gone and destroyed so fast. It's a good thing that the pay off is worth it - the joy of children is something else, isn't it? Looks like so much fun and that cake is impressive!
i made my boys a little train cake a few years ago and ummmmmmmm wow that really puts it to shame. seriously i didn't know normal people to could make things like that. you should really teach martha a few things. holy crap.
party looked fun! even thought it was all princessy and stuff. please someone tell me that i will NEVER have to actually do a princess party....
Oh my goodness, Ashley! You are seriously amazing. That cake is out of this world! I guess I have a lot to look forward to when I have to do a princess party (I know I'll end up doing one for little Sweet Pea eventually!) Oh and by the way, I need your new address so that I can mail you a birth announcement. you can email it to me at ahahahah...speaking of princess'!
It sounds like it was the event of the season. You did a great job. The cake was fabulous!
Princess parties and presents!!? Wow! What more could a girl want? Around here I'd insist that a party of that magnatude WAS the present!
Oh my gosh, Ashley! You put my birthday cakes to shame! I just want to commend you for having an "at home" party...those are the ones they remember the most! By the way, you should seriously consider going into business with your amazing cake decorating! I would definitely be one of your customers!
You are your mother's daughter. The talents that you two have is amazing! What a spectacular event and so much work, but well worth the effort since I am sure no one will forget the magic of the day.
Girl, you got some mad cake decorating skills. I would have been dipping that in bronze and puttin it on the mantle or something... I mean 8 hours? And it takes people 8 seconds to eat it? nope. And I hope you were like the cake police sitting by the garbage and making people finish every last crumb. At least that is how I would be. Pathetic? Yes. I must admit you are quite the party planner. You go, Martha Stewart!!
CUTE CUTE CUTE, I had one birthday party when I was 8 and it was nothing like this amazing party.
Your daughter is one lucky girlie to have such a thoughtful talented mom...
WOW!! I am super impressed with your mad party throwing skills!! You had so many cute ideas. I may have to steal them for later use. And yes, you do derserve the mother of the year award for that wonderful cake. It looks so professionally made, that I almost don't believe you made it yourself! jk
Good job with the beautiful birthday bash!
Happy Birthday Kennedy!!
How fun. Gotta love girls. I 'm glad you survived and the cake is BEAUTIFUL your hired.
Awesome, awesome!! You really go all out don't you. Makes my crazy party look puney. No really looks like a lot of fun. Wish we could have come, Grace would have loved it. You're cake is magnificent!! You're amazing.
WOW! Arent you the best mom ever!! How freaking cute!! Can I hire you to do Ashlynn's party in August? You are so cute! And little Kennedy is a doll!
I cannot believe you made that cake! I am super impressed with your skills. That looks like the cutest party ever. I will need pointers for the next birthday I plan.
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