Thursday, February 12, 2009


First off, let me say that I am quite proud of myself for blogging as often as I have been, lately, since that was, in fact, one of my non-resolutions. That being said, I really think it is the only one I've followed through with. Oh well. As is life.

On with the Kennedyisms:

"Mmmm. I'm so excited to eat my pizza. But I'm going to have to wait 'til it un-hots."

[The dialogue between her toys:]

Queen: [in a british accent] Daughtah! You ahh sitting next to a drahgon!!
Princess: Oh, it's ok, mother. He's a nice dragon.
Q: No, no, Drahgons ahh meeeeean!! AGHHH!
P: Ahh! Let's run away from him!
Q&P: Run, run, run.

[While we were at the the cesspool, aka Jungle Jim's, she met a boy - a cousin of a cousin - who was about 8 or 9. He went on all the rides with her and they had a blast together. Here is what she said to me as we were leaving:]

K: I wish I could see that boy again... I'm going to marry him.
M: Really? Wow. Well, he was a nice boy.
K: He is SOOOOO cute... Next time I see him at Jungle Jim's, I'll ask him what his name is.

K: [Humming my phone's ringtone- The Office theme] hmm..hmmm...
M: [pretending to answer my phone] Hello?
K: Hi, mom! I'm not home. I'm at Kaitlyn's house.
M: Well how fun! I miss you! When are you coming home?
K: I don't know... like maybe 15, 10, or 1,000, or maybe 6 minutes. We'll see. Ok bye. Love you.


Anonymous said...

No!!! It's just way too soon for her to be boy crazy! Although that is very funny. I guess Jackson isn't man enough for her any more, she's going for the older guys.

And I love her british accent...

Sara said...

She is too cute!! I love the things kids say! I need to write down more of Brad's - he just cracks me up.

Sharee said...

Oh funny! I love when you do kennedyisms. They always crack me up! I love it!

Raising Helm said...

Wow!she is one very smart, grown up, and adorable little lady. What a nice sneak peak at her teenage days to come. Once again-very entertaining!

Sarah said...

somebody has a daughter that is going to be boy crazy very soon. hee hee.

Anonymous said...

That girl has got to be an actress, seriously. And she is already into the older men (well, he is very cute...)! And the British accent! She is too much.

Irene said...

Kennedy is just to cute for words.And you're such a great mom!

Smiley Family said...

Holy cow - you are a blogging maniac! I have so much to catch up on! I always love a "Kennedyisms" post. Always hilarious, always good for a laugh :)

Lauren said...

I am so glad you are keeping track of all the funny things she says. I wish my parents would have written down more. Maybe I wasn't as funny as Kennedy...

Michelle said...

1. This little sweetness will NEED to be in a drama class.

2. I love all the cute ways you do her hair.

Jennifer said...

I love those photos. Kennedy is such a cutie. What a great little Valentines Day house too! Thank you for sharing all the fun things she says.

wurstens5 said...

She is so cute, I love kids.