This last Friday I watched Janica's cute little girls overnight.
Kennedy and Kaitlyn are exactly 10 weeks apart (right, Janica?), and have known each other since they were born. Aww, how cute.
As they played "house," Kennedy delegated roles: she would be the mom, Kaitlyn would be the dog and Brooklyn (who is about a year and a half younger) would be the baby. Naturally, Kaitlyn didn't want to be the family dog. So they decided to both be moms. And they were excellent mothers, might I add.
As the day/night/day wore on, they shared stories of Disneyland, favorite movies, vomiting experiences, scary spiders and dance moves.
And Kennedy insisted on wearing a leotard.
I love these girls.
Girls are too funny! I love 'em. Hope I get one! ;-) Thanks for your sweet comment, but don't worry - I have major work to do on my abs - i wear black for a reason!! ;-)
They are a riot. I love Kennedy's dance leotard. And listening to them play one-ups-manship on their vomiting experiences was pretty funny....
I too would love to run around all day in a leotard. Unfortunately they don't make ones for the morbidly obese. and if they do, they hide them way in the back because they would not even be able to stand the thought of someone in them. But that is precisely WHY i would wear one. I have never really seen true horror on someone's face and I really think that would be the fastest way to see it (and most legal).
ps... your comment on my blog made my evening. you make me laugh too. and that is not always good because i am usually laughing all alone at my computer and it makes me feel really creepy.
There is nothing more entertaining than a flock of giggly little girls. L.O.L. to the sharing of vomiting experiences. That stuff's important!
spandex just might be Kennedy's thing-Hey if I could wear it, I just might think about starting up a new fashion statement-these days spandex is only good for one thing(on me that is) a girdle! ha ha -cute girls!
I love watching my sister's girls because it give Ashlyn a playdate.
If only we could all look so good in a leotard.
Slumber parties are so fun! I love listening to what they talk about, etc. Very cute.
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