It's the time where the weather gets a bit warmer and sweet little flowers start showing their darling, colorful, smiling blossoms.

It's the time of "March Madness" where everybody pretends to know a lot about basketball and bet money on the bracket they fill out with the team(s) they think is going to win and are completely shocked that their team wasn't the reigning champion. And the 10 year old who really knows nothing about basketball wins the tournament because she picked the winning team based on the fact that they sported her favorite color(s).

It's the month where you make sure to wear green so you don't get pinched.

It's my mom's birthday month. And my Aunt Kathy's. And my mom's besty Michelle. Among others. (Happy birthday)
But there is also a negative side to this month.
Something the men have decided to call "Mustache March", which can turn a sexy modern day man into a 70's porn star.

was not expecting that. i love his expression. happy 'stache month to you too!
It's funny how that happens. One minute, fashionable, modern rock star. The next -- Lounge Lizard.
Lounge lizard is the perfect description....
Larry the lounge lizard.....
LOL... Larry the Lounge Lizard...
Personal rule for my man... Mustache's may not walk about unaccompanied. Matching goatee or soul patch required. The least he can do is look like a Spaniard.
OH my gosh Ash... funniest post ever!! This is the PERFECT description of March. Ps. Love the stache... a 70's porn star to the T:)
Spaniard! LOL. Yes, I'm totally on board with a 'stache IF, and only if, it's accompanied by a goatee.
Those little blossoms are super cute. The mustache is interesting. Perhaps it's only a March thing? Either way, I have to agree, it is best accompanied by a goatee. :)
70's porn star! I love it! Well looks like you hit all the important happenings in March! I think you need to do this with all the months because your posts are the best to read!
Wow, that's quite the 'stache already! ;) Happy March to you, too. Here's hoping for more warm weather...
I laughed hard. Craig has to have face hair. As much as I don't like goatees, it's either that or a 70's porno stash. I use that expression a lot.
Lol lol lol... the ill fated porn stache.
Love your little bloom poking his sweet head thru the snow.
Luckily, Justin has also gotten sick of the 'stache, so he shaved it off. Thank the heavens above.
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