Thursday, January 8, 2009

For the sake of blogging

I have nothing of utter importance or interest to blog about, so I am just blogging so I can keep that one checked off of my unofficial new year's list.

I can also check another "non-goal" off my "non-resolution" list: Exercise. Believe it or not, I started exercising last night. (I know, I almost died from shock too...that reaction is to be expected.) Kennedy and I layed out our mats on the floor in front of the television and had some kickin' fun with Winsor Pilates. Hopefully I can lose a few lbs and inches before bikini weather comes along, which means I'll probably have to exercise a few times a week. We'll see how often I actually end up doing it. And then after a while I should be able to be ultra flexible and skinny. And then I can be a Pilates instructor. Since that's what I've always dreamed of.

<---I can totally do this. No problem. I'm actually in that position as I'm updating my blog. Right now. And I look that good, too. In fact, I think that's actually a picture of my body, except someone superimposed that chick's head on it.

And this is me, too. After tanning for about a year. ---->

I was really bugged that they put all those stupid cursive letters all over me. It took the focus away from my flawless skin. Psh.

Now that you all know what my hot bod looks like, we'll move on to more bits of randomness.

*I am so proud of Justin for reading the Twilight series. He's now in the middle of book 4 and is sacrificing sleep to finish it.

*Christian Bale is hot.

*I am going snowboarding with Ashlee, soon. I haven't been for over 5 years so I will probably be falling on my arse the entire time. But luckily, she says she will be, too.

*Speaking of Ashlee, she just sent me this picture and now my life is complete.

(Ashlee made those tu-tus. She's super talented.)


Monica Lifferth said...

Ummmm. That picture, you know the one with the cursive on the belly. Well, that is not you, that is me. So, stop telling lies. :)

Kristin said...

You are amazingly flexible. See if you can get Justin to take one of you working on your computer, typing away with your both your hands and feet above your head. Maybe you can do Control-Alt-Delete with your toes. That would be totally cool. Just like that hot bathing suit you have on.

Love the tutus...

Schwartz Family said...

Ok so... Completely jealous of your body. Your husband is a lucky man!

And the twins Tutu's are so freaking adorable, I told her she needs to get started working on Bella's and Kennedy's tutu's now so we can all take pictures!

Schwartz Family said...

And I was going to type that Ashlee won't go snowboarding with me anymore because I fell down way to much and embarrassed the crap out of her.

Have fun and take pictures!!

Michelle said...

I love your random thoughts and think you should do more of these types of posts.

I also love C. Bale. He is amazing looking AND a great actor.

Sarah said...

I can't live without your blog!!
I LOVE it!
You make me laugh!!

melanie33 said...

although my disdain for sarah's lack of blogging is high, i agree with her sentiment.
in the spirit of random blogging, i will try my hand at random commenting.

i hate drinking out of glass... i am a plastic cup kind of girl.
room service is offensive on two levels: it is both disgusting and outrageously over priced.
i think i will name my unborn child apple, because they are tasty. hey, if it's good enough for gwenith its good enough for me.

Sarah said...

first of all, those are some frickin' adorable babies.

way to go justin on reading twilight. esp during school AND 12 hour shifts at work.

and congrats on the exercising thing. and have fun snowboarding/falling on your arse. i have a bruised knee from Cross country skiing last weekend. but it's like a badge of honor.

Kaija said...

You are so talented...I think you ARE winsor Pilates. You could start making your own exercise videos! And totally love the excitement you show in getting the clover! LOVE it! AND I want to hear some of this music you write!

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