I know that each and every one of you were anxiously waiting, sitting on the edge of your seats, anticipating a mind-blowing blog update with an array of scintillating photos from my vacation.
But, alas. Today is a day of disappointment. And, as the Dread Pirate Roberts says, "Get used to disappointment."
Instead of seeing pictures of sunshine/beaches/jungle/happy faces, you get to read my rant, once again, of the *$#%&*^!@! which is negatively affecting my physical and mental well-being. This picture makes me want to vomit.

And this makes me want to vomit twice, because I am sitting in that tall building right under the words "Cold Air," breathing in all that grey stuff:

"This is the place"? Really, Brigham? THIS is the place?!? Couldn't Hawaii have been "the place"? Or Seattle, perhaps? Maybe even Colorado?? Because THIS place has the worst air quality in the nation 4 months out of the year. However, to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe when he made that historic statement, the last part of his sentence wasn't written down correctly. Maybe he actually said "THIS is the place...where you will all inhale sickly amounts of nasty, nasty pollution and where the young children and older adults and people with asthma should not go outside the winter months for fear that they may die of lung poisoning. Amen."
End rant.
Amen my friend! A-freaking-MEN. You just named a bunch of the places on my list of places I'd rather live. Blech!
HRI am pretty sure it was, "This is the place... And it will just have to do because I am too tired to keep walking to California."
Oh my hell!!! I made that last comment from my phone and clearly my fat fingers were having trouble typing! Disregard the "HR"
Seriously! California would have been nice, too, huh? lol
And I do the same thing with my phone. No worries :)
On the bright side, it just reinforces your family's decision to move to Seattle next year.
At least that's a bright side for me :)
Perhaps I should have gotten you all gas masks for Christmas...
You know, if they'd made the Wells Fargo building twice as tall, you could go up onto the roof and be in the warm air.....
LOL... yes, that would have been nice. For now, I just need to go to Park City to bask in the sunshine.
I used to write rants like this when I was particlarly upset. I remember one of them ended with "this is the place, alright", and as far as I'm concerned, Brother Brigham, you can have it". That was after I lived in San Francisco and had to move back to Deseret, or Zion or SLC. BTW A nice breeze is comming in from the west and we're breathing nice clean ocean air. And it's 70.
Paul, your rants are my favorite :)
And how I would LOVE the clean ocean air!! Hopefully we only have one more year of suffering in zion. lol
Gas masks really should be mandatory for everyone living in that blessed valley, as far as I'm concerned. Stylish ones, of course. :)
LOL. It's easy to understand why so many posts on your blog are dedicated to the poor air quality of the Salt Lake valley. How vomit-inducing! This is the place, indeed.
Perhaps Brigham never envisioned the pollution-causing technologies that would be invented in the next century. Some prophet...
Definitely stylish ones, Jen. I wouldn't have it any other way :)
Brandon- yes, you'd think he would have been able to foresee the technology... apparently not.
AUGH! Toxic! You must leave. Get away from that place! For the sake of your health (and sanity). And for Kennedy's! Think of poor Kennedy! She could be developing asthma living in that place. Her growth might be stunted, her life shortened. So tragic, it would be.
So in the words of King Arthur and Sirs Galahad, Bedemir, Robin and Lancelot... RUN AWAY!!!!
Live in Washington.
haha....normally I am up high enough that it doesnt affect us as much. I look over the valley and am so happy about where I live. The past 2 days however have not made a difference and I am not wanting to go outside!
California would be nice! Or anywhere with a beach for that matter!!
LOLx4 you are SO funny. Brigham surely must have been turned around. I think the pioneers should have went straight through to Hawaii. you are right. give em some rafts...not covered wagons!
but we are all STILL waiting to be jealous of your vacation pics....
Ugh, it is gross out there isn't it? I want to get up to Park City to escape it and enjoy some sunshine too. Alas, I have a migraine today. Bummer.
It's okay.. you can rant to me, your friend, that's what I am here for.
Okay, so I am technically not "here" and I am technically one of your friends but you my point is that you can rant about bad air quality or anything else to me, your friendly random internet stalker.
@Kristin- lol! The more time we spend here the more anxious we become. We can't wait to move up there...
@Mel- I am so flattered that I have a random internet stalker. Especially one so clever as you.
Oh dear this brings back many horrible memories!
Maybe what Brother Brigham said was "this isn't the place" and the pioneers heard him wrong.
Move to Seattle.
I daresay you are probably right, Michelle. Dumb pioneers.
Hopefully next year!!... we shall see!
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