We stayed with said super cool mom (thanks mom!). And since my mother is a fantastic photographer, I let her take most of our pictures (again, thanks mom!). However, I did end up taking a few with my own camera. (That means that I will have a separate blog post for you with much BETTER pictures from her marvelous camera. Yay!)
But since the pictures from days 1-4 (which were quite awesome) are on my mom's camera, let's skip ahead to day 5.
Super Cool Mom played babysitter for a day so that Justin and I could have a day date in downtown Seattle. We started off with a Savor Seattle Food Tour at Pike's Place Market (which I'd HIGHLY recommend- see also the Chocolate Indulgence Tour). With bellies full of yumminess, we then walked around and explored the beautiful city.
Justin was very excited to be riding Rachel, the famous Pike's pig.
Downtown Seattle buildings. Cool.
We stopped for a small snack at The Pike Brewing Company. They have yummy pizza.
Justin intently studied the beverage menu.
After a few hours, Super Cool Mom and Kennedy came and met us downtown for a yummy dinner at Machiavelli's...... droooool.......
But first, a stop to see Rachel, again.
A few days later we drove up to Bellingham to visit my wonderful aunt and uncle and their fantastic family. The scenery on the drive up was uh-maz-ing.
We met up with Kristin and J'Neil
(hi Kristin!)
and looked around a cute little shopping area.
And stopped for a picture with Dirty Dan.
Next we went for a little stroll through the woods.
There was also a fish hatchery up there- where they breed trout. It was really cool to see.
After staying at Kristin's house that night (thank you again, and tell your kitties hi for me!), we drove back and stopped by Deception Pass on the way.
The next day we were on our way home. *sniff* *sniff*
For one final taste of green and water, we stopped at Snoqualmie falls. Holy freaking crap. I have never seen a more beautiful or humongous waterfall in all of my 27 years. (And did I mention that it's only about 40 minutes from Seattle...?)
It was such a beautiful sight to see. I want to stay in that Lodge up there at the top. How incredible would that be? (Oh, and please ignore the stupid construction going on above the waterfall.)
So that was our trip. At least part of it. I will post about the rest of it when I have time.
But just in case that isn't enough for you, I'm leaving you with an adorable picture.
It's so gorgeous up there! And how cute are you with those bangs?! I love them - you look HAWT! I just cut mine last night and I'm already regretting it. You + straight bangs = hotness. Me + straight bangs = oh dear what was I thinking. Oh well. They'll grow, right? Anyway, glad you had such a fun trip!
so...much...to comment on. where do i begin.
um, that looks so fun. and i laughed when i saw justin studying the beer menu. that is SO what jeffrey does when we go on vacation.
seattle is so beautiful! how fun!
and those babies are adorable in their colorful little outfits!
Do you think your Super cool Mom would let me come stay with her? I love Seattle!!! I have only been to Pike Place Market once...I think it's time to go back. I love your bangs and wish I could pull off that look:) Cute pictures!
Wow!!! wish I had done the same thing :)
Look like a fun vacation... and it looks like I need to get up ther to see my folks as well!
It was so fun to have you guys here. We made out pretty well with all of us in my tiny condo.
Loved seeing you, spending time with you, being able to watch Kennedy so you could go have a 'date' or two. Really sorry about your mug though...
When you come up again, I promise to cook dinner at least once.
My favorite part was Justin repeatedly saying that you guys are going to move up here :)
OK, maybe not my favorite part - but definitely music to my ears. I'm not holding my breath, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Looks like so much fun!! How great to have a whole day date too. I really like Pike's Place. Fun photos, and I can't wait to see more! :)
my bad attitude aside....Im really glad you guys had a good vacation! hehe :)
Holy cow I LOVE your bangs! You guys look great. Your trip looks like a blast, glad you had fun missy!
So glad you could all go and have a great time together! It is beautiful up there. Looking forward to hearing and seeing the rest of the trip.
It has been years since I've been to Seattle - 11 years to be exact. *sigh* It looks like an amazing and well deserved trip. And that waterfall?! WOW! Great pics.
Looks like fun!! I love Seattle!! You should watch the show Twin Peaks it is an old TV series (that is kind of strange) and it was filmed at that lodge on the falls. My husband grew up right around there. It is totally amazing!
Oh and happy birthday to those cute little girls! I can't believe they're two already.
Seattle is one of my favorite memories. I've been to "Ye olde curiosity shop" on the water front. There was a mummy there named Sylvester. Is he still there? They had things like the Lords Prayer printed on a grain of rice and things like that. Then there's the fish throwing. That's disgusting. It's an amazing city.
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