It's Friday.
Yay for the weekend.
And yay for chocolate chip zucchini bread.
And just so you know, it's a good thing I don't eat at Quiznos, very often, because apparently if I would have eaten at the one across the street from my work earlier this month I could have been exposed to Hepatitis A. And no one wants Hepatitis A.
Anyway, enough small talk. Here are the answers to my little game from last time:
1. Turtle! Jennifer was the first one to guess it correctly. And Mel was the second. You guys rock.

2. Space Needle in Seattle, WA. (Good job, mom (and to the others who knew it, as well))

3. Pickle. I guess this one was really tough. I told you they were random pictures.

Tune in next time for more thrilling musings from yours truly.
That was a fun game. :) That turtle is so cute too. Very glad you don't like Quiznos!
Oh, I didn't get to your first post in time to guess. :P Very fun game, though. You should do this more often. :)
Thanks for that post. What a good idea. And your journal was also fun. You're pretty darn clever.
YOu crack me up! Bravo on the pics-who was I questioning with "pic of space?" Who has a picture of a pickle? You silly goon! Glad you were spared from Hep A and enjoy the tasty bread!
Man, I missed the game! I'll play next time. Can you believe I've only had zucchini bread once this year, and it didn't even have chocolate chips in it. I think I'll be doing some baking tomorrow :o)
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