Oh dear. It appears that I have lots of catching up to do. Easter, my trip to Seattle, my yard getting torn up in preparation for sprinklers, random funness, etc. But, for the sake of not overloading you with awesomeness in one massive blog post, I will just give you a little now, and hopefully a little more in a few days. I'll try to keep the time in between posts much shorter than this last time.
So, for the time being, here are some randomly cute pictures of Kennedy and some other pictures, along with some narration. For your enjoyment. Or annoyance.
Here is my little sous-chef. With just a
dash of attitude to spice up the mac & cheese.

Scooter-riding. She's getting to be quite the balancer. We'll see if we can get her off her training wheels this summer...

A few weeks ago, we went to Jackson's birthday party at the bowling alley.
Kennedy brought her pet frog.

And Jackson did what boys do best and proceeded to punch the poor frog in the head.

And here is a picture of my sexy husband, for good measure. I submitted this picture to GQ. However, they sent it back saying he needed to be wearing less clothing.

Cake time!

Fun was had by all. My next post will either be about our Easter festivities, Seattle, or my yard... or a combination of the three. It will be a surprise.
love the attitude pic...hehe. shes so cute!
Sounds like you're having lots of fun! Kemnedy is so cute. We miss her.
omg, i haven't seen jackson in a while, he is getting so big. and so is kennedy, they're both growing up so fast.
Cute pictures! I LOVE Kennedy's hair short. I want to cut off Taylor's while she's sleeping...
Fun times and fun photos! Kennedy is so cute in her short hair.
Kennedy does make a saucy little sous-chef, doesn't she?
It was so fun having you guys here... but I'll leave those comments for when you post about your trip :)
She's got attitude just like her momma!! :)
... did you help make that cute cake??
Don't you just love having a helper in the kitchen? - Attitude and all! Ashlyn is sometimes more trouble than help at this point, but she is learning.
I hear ya about being behind. After making my blog book, I really wanted to blog more often, since it really is my journal. Life is just too busy. Can't wait to read more though, so get busy!
I loved the pictures!!! Love Her attitude!!!
Kennedy is SUCH a DOLL!!! I love her personality! She is so much fun!
Kennedy is quite photogenic...very cute and obviously a lot of moxy.
Thanks! And Sarah- no, I didn't help with that cake. But it was cute!
whew... you are back and if you ever take that long of a break again, i just may die.
Kennedy is so darn cute! I love all the pics. Can't wait to see more catch up. ;-)
Keep the posts coming..I can hardly wait for the next one :o)
I can relate to the the little girl with the big attitude. Our grandaughter is quite the handful.
Anonymous is Paul. Craig tried to help and didn't.
She can't get any cuter! Love her attitude and sass! How are you? I feel I haven't seen you in FOREVER!!
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