Remember when you were a kid and you got a Tootsie Pop and the first thing you did after you shoved it in your mouth was hurry and search the wrapper for that indian shooting an arrow at a star because if you had said wrapper with a star it totally meant you'd get a free sucker?

Apparently it's completely bogus (see
I never tried to redeem my star wrappers, and I don't know of anyone else who did, either. Who starts these rumors, anyway?
I feel cheated and lied to. And I want my free sucker.
dude, if the tootsie pop company has been dealing with this since the 1930s why don't they just wisen up and MAKE it the truth? they are lame.
oh and i want a sucker now.
thanks for that.
now i have snow on the ground,
a desire to go to disneyland,
a craving for a churro
AND a tootsie pop.
i think you are kryptonite.
ok, ok, so maybe the snow on the ground isn't your fault but someone has to take the blame!
It's a sad, sad day. No Easter Bunny, no Tooth Fairy, and now - now free sucker. Life just isn't fair.
Actually, I remember getting a free sucker (or several) this way at the 7-11 in Sandy/Midvale I used to ride my bike to. The teenage cashier must have believed the same rumor. :)
Don't spread the truth here - there still may be cashiers that believe!!!
Who wouldn't love a free Tootsie Pop anyway? I would even settle for one of their cute little mini versions. Is that really too much to ask? I guess so.
me too.
I went to school with you, we did the musical together back in the day. (I was ballroom) But I had to comment and say that we had a super small grocery store called Frank's in Draper growing up and they totally redeemed those for free suckers. No where since has. But it did work for awhile!!
I so remember that...
I never tried to redeem any either, but geez...the lies people tell.
Oh I love it! I do remember that and, no I never tried to redeem it??? I am the sucker apparently. Everyone needs a cool cashier to give away free merchandise. I still look for the star.
I grew up in WJ and there was a 7Eleven by my house that redeemed star wrappers. So there! It is not just a rumor.
I totally believed it....altho in my childlike mind I thought if you put the wrapper in your mailbox, the mailman would give you a free BAG. Yep. I was a dreamer! ha ha!
That is hilarious. Who knew it was a lie? Thanks for the clarification.
Why is that not true? C'mon Tootsie Pops, don't keep printing those and dashing the hopes of children everywhere. Alex still has one of his wrappers with a star on it, I don't have the heart to tell him it's bogus.
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