Sunday, February 1, 2009

Getchyo groove on.

Last night Kennedy put on her dance clothes (aka swimsuit) and we got our groove on, shook our booties and our groove things, and twisted and shouted. For an hour and a half.

I am so sore today.

P.S. You are very lucky I didn't post any pictures of ME dancing. It may have cause an involuntary vomitous reaction.


Annie said...

well, i'm dying to know if you put your swimsuit on too!!

Jennifer said...

That sounds like a lot of fun!! I love to dance around with Emily and Marie too, but you have more stamina than me to go for that long! Great exercise though I bet!

Monica Lifferth said...

I love having a girl to dance with me! I don't think I've ever gone that long, but what a workout, eh?

melanie33 said...

if it were me dancing in the living room with my daughter she would have stopped immediately and called 911 to report her mom having a seizure.
so you can feel good about that.

Sarah said...

spending time with your kids AND getting a work out. Check and Check.

and an hour and a half? Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Her hair is getting so long!

Raising Helm said...

Wow Ash, way to work it girl. Barbies, dancing, gettin' your groove on???What more could a girl ask for? Judge Brownie anyone?

Michelle said...

She is gorgeous, look at those legs.

Next time, we need pics of you too.

Anonymous said...

Yes, definitely, both of you in the next shots--I love Kennedy's swimming suit! Plus, leotards and swim suits are basically the same thing anyway. My girl Abby thought the same thing.

Ashley Hall said...

Ash, you are such a cute mom and a stinkin' hilarious one at that!