Where were you at 12:00 pm Eastern time, today? I sure hope it was in front of a television or computer witnessing the most historical inauguration ever. And if not, I sure hope you have a good excuse. Some of my co-workers and I gathered in one of the conference rooms and watched as Barack Obama stood in front of a crowd of thousands (I still can't believe how many people were there) and promised to lead our country faithfully and honestly. His speech that followed was inspirational, well-worded, moving and just all-around amazing. I cried. And shortly after that I was mocked by a few heartless co-workers for doing so.
I am proud to be an American. Go Obama!
And now I'm off to Denver for a few days for work. Wahoo. Please try not to miss me, as difficult as that may be.
Oh-and an update on my "resolutions": I HAVE been exercising quite regularly, surprisingly enough. And I've had less than 1 Judge brownie per week. But I think I've made up just fine for both of those by eating all of the chocolate I can find in and out of my house. (Halloween candy is still safe to eat, right?)
it IS a happy day. i watched the cnn.com stream and thought what a memorable day today is. go obama!
i don't think you are the only one to cry during one of obama's speeches. so tell your coworkers to suck it! :)
Give that Mark a slap upside the head. He's just jealous because his man didn't win (thank god).
At noon eastern time I was lying on my couch, crying, and feeling great hope, gratitude and joy.
Bye, bye, Bush! Hello Hope!
Have fun in Denver.
i think halloween candy is absolutely acceptable to eat. given that it is halloween candy from this year and not like from the year you gave birth; because then i would flinch a little (okay a lot), and maybe I would even hunt these sinful brownies of yours down and shove it down your throat... because i am that kind of friend.
Yes, amazing speech by our new President! What a very strong leader who has overcome much, and who can help us move forward to great things as a nation.
It is an exciting time for our Nation. I too am proud to be an American. It feels good to re-new my faith in this country. Have fun in Denver!
Apparently you are going to Denver. Have fun! and way to go on your sugar intake/exercise stuff. Very proud-Halloween candy? extra proud that you actually have some left over-I can't last that long unless it is a pack of smarties or a piece of the "unknown" usually those make the garbage. Have a good one!
I did watch it, but no tears were shed - to each there own I guess. I look forward to seeing what the next four years brings. I really do hope he can make some positive changes. He sure did start his presidency off with a bang - $120 million bangs to be exact. I find it quite interesting that he got praises for his grand inauguration and Bush got SLAMMED four years ago for spending a measly $42 million on his inauguration...I'm just sayin'.
GO OBAMA! WOOT WOOT! He is amazing and you are an amazing writter!
Maybe bu a brownie and cut it in half and save half for the next day so you trick your mind into thinking you ate more than one brownie a week. plus you don't have to subject yourself to months old candy! Just an idea is all!
Factcheck has some interesting things to say about the cost of the two inaugurations....
Fact Check: Claims of a huge disparity are untrue."
Besides, nobody wanted to attend Bush's 2nd innauguration. You couldn't get tickets to Obamas.
I'm just sayin' : )
Factcheck is about as far left a news source as you can get. LOL typical Obama supporter...
Facts, schmacts - LOL.... Typical Faux News viewer
Who are these anonymous fools anyway? Fox viewers, I suspect.
Excellent job on the exercising!
One day I will have to experience a Judge brownie, so I can also revel in the heavenly bliss... Too bad you can't mail me one. :)
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