Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lemme her an "Awwww"

As a woman, I am apt to complain. My boobs are too small. My butt is elephantine. I work too much. I'm hungry. I'm too short. My nose looks like that of a Greek God. Not in a good way. I have cottage cheese thighs. I don't earn enough money. My husband never gives me flowers. (Never = roughly once a year. Usually accompanied by an apology or on a holiday.)

Now I have one less thing to complain about. I got flowers. But this time, no holiday. No apology. In fact, no need for an apology. So why would he feel the need to buy me some beautiful flowers?

He missed me while I was in Denver. Awwwww.....


CAMI said...

What a sweet guy! I love the random flowers!
And thanks on my bows- It feels good to hear that!

Anonymous said...

Now THAT'S worth an "awwwww"....

Tell him mom says good job :)

P.S. Especially love the gerbera daisy

Monica Lifferth said...

I love when my hubby does that. Sooo sweet.

Anonymous said...

You need a patch of brightness during the inversion! How sweet of him.

melanie33 said...

i think that those of us who have spouses that never buy us flowers are the lucky ones. that way we are really thrilled when it does happen. i mean if you got them for every holiday or little occasion would the sight of them make you smile as big?
(the appropriate answer here would be no).

and that, my friend, is how i make myself feel better about being flowerless.

he done a right pretty job on them too. (and for the record i really have no rhyme or reason as to why i occasionally slip into really improper grammer.)

Smiley Family said...

They are beautiful! I knew Justin had some sweetness in him deep down! I am quite jealous - I couldn't tell you the last time I got flowers *sniff, sniff*

Ashley Rae said...

Yes, Chris- I did need a patch of brightness. And it worked well

Mel- LOL. Seriously. You crack me up.

Jamie- You should send yourself anonymous flowers. And act SO excited when you get them. Then he'll see how much you love them. Or he might suspect you have a secret lover... hm... maybe not such a good idea.

Raising Helm said...

Chalk one up for JUSTIN! AWWW-flowers truly do brighten a day! love the things to complain about...I would add my list but today I am thinking I need to be a glass half full.

Anonymous said...

that is too sweet, we all need a husband like that!

Sarah said...

that is totally worth an "awwww".

way to go justin.

Sharee said...

how cute ash! I love the random goodness!

Jennifer said...

I used to tease Brandon that he only buys me flowers when I'm upset with him too. :) He gets them on other occassions now too. It's wonderful!

Anonymous said...

dude you can complain about all of those things EXCEPT for the nose thing. mine is SO BEYOND HUGE than i can't even talk about it.

Irene said...

HOw nice he let you KNOW he missed you .