Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas list

Dear Santa,

At the ripe old age of 26, there are but a few things I am humbly asking of you this Christmas. Here they are in no particular order:

One of these:
And one of these:
Lots and lots of this:

And while you're at it, a vacation to somewhere like this would be nice:

After that, I'll be pretty much set.

Oh, and world peace, too.




melanie33 said...

world peace shmorld peace. i mean, you have to cut down somewhere; you don't want santa to think you are greedy, right? i say thats a great place to start.

Sharee said...

HAHAHAHA!!! You are so funny Ash! This sounds like my wish list, new house, new car, LOTS of money... Oh and I would have to add new wardrobe, and all the gasoline I would need for my entire lifetime. This reminds me of that "Santa baby" song... I have been good enough this year for all that right??

Merry Christmas ASH! We need to get together! We should have a new years eve party with all our pals!

shereesa said...

OOOOO!!! Make it two of everything please, you read my mind as far as gifts go!

Sara said...

Ooh, me too!! And add a healthy, happy baby (with an easy schmeesy delivery!) and a new wardrobe (with a glam bod of course after he's born where my chest just magically stays big instead of needing augmentation! and my hips, stomach, butt and thighs all become super toned!) That'd be great! ;-) he he he!

Ashley Rae said...

Sharee- yes, we definitely need to get together!! We already have new years plans... but who needs a holiday to get together? Let's make our own holiday. Hehe.

Sara- I will put a healthy delivery/baby on my list to Santa, as well!

Ashley Rae said...

For YOU, not for me. Man, that would be scary. LOL

Raising Helm said...

You crack me up! what more could you ask for??? I mean you have great looks, a super personality, a beautiful family and then you have me! j/k on the last part but I am grateful to have such a great and hilareous friend such as you-hopefully you get something good and if santa forgets where you live-I will be glad to give him an address...merry christmas

Sarah said...

don't get so greedy with all that world peace now Ashley. Santa has his hands full with that new car and new house he's going to be delivering.

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing the song "Santa Baby" play in my head as I read your list....

Angelique Archuleta said...

Did you get what you asked for??