Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Who's excited?

I'm excited for a few reasons:

A) My mama is coming in town on Saturday.

B) The weather has been, like, perfect, for the past few days.

C) I had a Judge brownie, today, which always delights me.


D) This:
Even though, initially, I was a tad disappointed in the character choice for my beloved Edward, I've slowly been getting over it. And I no longer care. It's Edward CULLEN, for heaven's sake. The perfect man. I will soon see him. This weekend.

He will be mine. Oh yes, he will be mine. (2 points awarded to first person to name that movie.)

Back when I was reading the books, neglecting all of my other responsibilities in life, Justin walked in while I was reading a very emotional part of Book #2.

Our conversation:

J: So... are those books any good?
A: Oh, you have NO idea. *sniff*
J: Aren't they about vampires?
A: Yes. And warewolves. *sniff*
J: Huh. Wait.. are you CRYING?
A: Shut up.

I am proud to say that, after much persuasion, he finally picked up the book last night and began reading. Although he didn't really like the fact that I kept asking him what part he was at and if he was liking it, yet....Every 5 minutes.

I am proud of him for reading it. I have graciously awarded him 5 points (he's up to 7, now) for doing so. I'm just hoping that he'll start picking up all of the Edward-like attributes he'll be reading about.


Smiley Family said...

I'm with ya, the "Edward" choice just didn't do it for me at first, but he has grown on me. And I am extremely impressed that you got Justin to read it, there is just no way in @#&% that Brian would ever attempt that one. I think Justin deserves a few more points.

Kristin said...

I can't tell you how many times I have gone to Craig and said, "So, how's Edward? How's Bella?"

"She's putting it to a vote...."

He just started Eclipse.

Sara said...

I can't believe you got your hubby to read it! Wow. I hope the movie is god. I'm worried about if it will be or not. i was going to be going to the midnight show, but with all my complications I had to back out. Bummer. Let me know what you think of it! (and btw, I'm more concerned about their choice of Bella than Edward. No one could live up to the Edward in the book. But Bella... I don't know about her. The jury's out.) ;-)

Sara said...

uh that was supposed to say good. I wish you could edit comments, not just delete them. Sorry for the major typo...

melanie33 said...

okay... what is this Judge brownie thing? You are making me very curious and that is not at all a good thing when we are talking about chocolate. Thanks a lot.
Points to the husband for giving the books a shot. I think my husband would consider it some sort of chinese torture. Come to think of it, I just may try it...

Anonymous said...

I'm excited too!!! I'm glad we get to see the movie together. And of course I'm excited to give miss Kennedy a big hug and squeeze at the airport.

BTW - the quote it "It will be mine, oh yes it will be mine." He was talkinga bout a guitar :)

Ashley Rae said...

Yay! 2 points for the mom. Yes, he was talking about a guitar, but I figured it worked with this, too. (Wayne's World, for those of you who don't know). :)

Annie said...

i wanted to be the one to get two points, by adding another quote, "NO STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN"
well, i really wanted to say "scha-wing" but that would have been a bit crass and way too obvious:)

Sarah said...

I've never read the book but i've heard people complain about the choice of edward.

your post made me laugh. way to go justin for starting to read the book.

Sarah said...

I want a judge brownie too!
Have fun at the movie...
And let us know how you liked it compared to the book.

Anonymous said...

kendrick is almost done with the 4th book. It is, afterall the manly book to read!! It's funny to watch him read it because I sit there waiting for him to look up so I can ask him what part he's on and if he wants to talk about how he feels about it;)

wurstens5 said...

I was a bit disapointed in the character choices too. I think they are growing on me as well. I can not wait for the movie!!

Michelle said...

Yeah! You get to have your sweet Mamasita for Thanksgiving.

I'm excited about the movie, even though the review here said something like "beautiful northwest scenery but the script is wooden enough to drive a stake through a vampire's heart"

Anonymous said...

That's a good husband. My hubby wouldn't touch those books with a 100-foot pole.

Have fun with your Mama!!!!

Lauren said...

I wish I could see your mom while she's here! Give her a big hug from us!

Anonymous said...

i don't get it and i don't have time to read the books. so can i just live vicariously through you for a while??? let me know how WE feel when WE watch the movie ok?