Thursday, January 19, 2012


Way to go, Salt Lake. You suck at having clean air and therefore have received an F on your report card.

I sure hope you feel good about yourself.



the mom said...

You better NOT breathe every day in SLC or you might die?!

You know that fresh northwest air is waiting for you anytime you want it :)

Ashley Rae said...

:) And I did notice that in Washington, there are no "failing" counties. I might just have to make my way up there. Soon.

Raising Helm said...

Thank you weather lady! I love a good failure:) btw-your mom is hilarious-don't breathe or you might die:) You guys are so funny.

Brandon said...

Salt Lake stinks! Literally... Gas mask anyone?

Jennifer said...

Yes, please, don't breathe without a gas mask. Too dangerous. Moving would probably be the best option. :)

paul said...

We have spare the air days where you can get ticketed for having a wood burning fire. Even on these days you can see for miles. I've never seen smog here at all let alone tasted it like you can in Salt Lake. Isn't it funny how people who have left Utah try to get the people they love to leave too? There's a reason.