Monday, October 26, 2009

Goblins and a mummy

I am giving you a fair warning that this post will be long. And full of pictures. I'll try to keep the captions to a minimum. But there's no guarantee.

Alright. You are hereby warned.

As most of you have heard, my wonderful brother and his super awesome family are moving to Costa Rica (WAAAAHHH!!!). So in order to spend as much time with them as possible before they move, we, along with my dad and his family, decided to go on a short but sweet family trip to Goblin Valley (near Moab, UT).

When we arrived at the hotel, we pulled faces in the mirror. Since that's what you do at hotels.

(I think Justin's faces might actually be more entertaining than Kennedy's.)

And the girls were allowed to jump on the bed, for once.

The next morning we headed on over to the valley of the goblins.

What is there to do in Goblin Valley? I'm glad you asked. You can:

Explore secret caves.

Pause to hug your favorite cousin.

Search for those elusive goblins.

Find a comfortable bed to nap on.

Discover a throne and exclaim "I am queen of the goblins!!!"

Hold a nearby hand.

Take a picture of yourself to prove to everyone that you were actually there.

Quickly run TOWARD the goblins because a scary voice behind you is yelling "gobba-gobba-gobba-gobba!!".

Family trip: successful.

This next segment really deserves its own post for 2 reasons: 1) it is completely unrelated to previous topic and 2) because I said so. But oh well. It's not getting its own separate post.

I present to you.... Kennedy the Mummy.

For some reason she's not as scary from behind.


Sarah said...

Love the pics. Looks like a fun family trip.
... and Kennedy's mummy costume is great too, especially if your stranded somewhere and really need to "go".

Sara said...

I've never been there, it looks like something my boys would love!

And I laughed out loud at Kennedy's mummy costume. She is too stinking cute, even wrapped up in toilet paper! Or maybe even especially wrapped up in toilet paper. Either way, she's too cute.

melanie33 said...

I am not sure, but i think your husband is some sort of uni- bomber/mass murderer/cannibal/evil scientist. At least that is what the hotel pictures spoke to me.
I am now scared for your well being...

and for the pantless mummy. she is too cute to be eaten.

i will keep her in my prayers.

Jennifer said...

Cute post Ashley! We love you guys. It was so much fun to spend time together with the goblins. :)

Sharee said...

I love goblin valley!! I went there a long time ago though... I need to go again!

And LOVE the mummy costume! It is so funny/cute! And I love that she has her swim suit or something underneath!

Brandon Pearce said...

That was such a fun trip! Goblin Valley is awesome! (And so are you guys).

Thanks for taking so many great pictures - and I love your captions! :)

Cute mummy costume, too. Not very durable, though.

We'll miss you guys when we're gone, but hopefully we'll both be able to still visit each other frequently, or at least let our girls video chat. :)

Kristin said...

Tell miss Kennedy I found her to be a terrifying mummy.

Loved the pictures. It is great you could take the weekend for the family trip and it looks like it was fun. I am sure Kennedy is going to miss her cousins!

Michelle said...

Love all the pictures especially of the mummy!

She is just way too cute, I can't handle it.

Raising Helm said...

Lovely! "Gobba Gobba Gobba" very scary. Costa Rica? WHat for? I am curious. You look like you had a spooktacular of a good time. Mummy Kennedy is so...well a tad bit scary. hope you didn't need the two ply my dear. You are such a cute mom.

Sarah said...

yeah, i think justins faces in the hotel mirror are great!

when kennedy was done being a mummy, did you roll the TP back up and put it back in the bathroom? hee hee hee.

Anonymous said...

how fun! So does this mean you have somewhere to stay if you ever go to Costa Rica? And um, I don't have your e-mail but we are blessing Easton on Sunday and you guys are invited. Our church is at 11:00 and K will text Justin directions if you guys are interested in coming.

shereesa said...

You are so funny! I love gobblin valley it has such fond memories

Smiley Family said...

So sad that your brother is moving. My brother is moving next July and it breaks my heart! Luckily, mine is staying in the country. Glad your trip was successful, it looked like a lot of fun. Funny thing, I have never been to Goblin Valley. It is crazy how many places there are in Utah that I have never visited and I have lived here for 30 years! Some day...

P.S. Love the mummy.

Chris said...

What a fun trip for all the little goblins! In all the years I lived in Utahr, I never went there.

How much longer til your brother leaves? I hope the little cousins get to stay in touch somehow. I'm sure they will.

I love the mummy and her pink frightening. :)