Saturday, November 17, 2007

Me. Is that too lame of a title? Deal with it.

Blog: A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links

I took a public speaking class in college, and a writing class, in which I learned the best and most interesting way to start a speech or story. A few ideas were: starting it with (1) a quote, (2) a joke, (3) dialogue, or (4) a definition. I, obviously, started it with a quote. But now that I'm reading my blog, I realize that it doesn't change how intriguing it is. Oh well. Here goes - the first entry:

I've never been a natural born leader. I either do my own thing (not getting many followers) or "follow the crowd." Since more often than not, I "followed the crowd," I thought it only right to stick with my M.O. and create a Blog like everyone else I know. I don't have a lot of time to blog, but I'll update it when something significant happens (or when I get bored, or when I just feel like it) so that people who know me (or don't know me) can see what's going on in my dull (or not so dull) life (I use a lot of parentheses, don't I?).

So- for the first blog, here's a brief description of me.

(In this picture, I'm not the gorilla, contrary to what you may be thinking. I'm in the red/black shirt.)

Name: Ashley
Likes: My daughter, my husband...90% of the time, the beach, yellow, dancing for no reason at all, the outdoors, outdoor activities (hiking, swimming, running, biking, boarding, etc.), Antique Roadshow, being goofy with friends/family, chocolate, ice cream, the mall (when I have money), money, pretty much anything worth liking.
Dislikes: Mushrooms, Fish (I like looking at them- just not eating them), tomatoes, snobby people, mosquitoes, rapists, computer viruses.
Favorite place to vacation: Somewhere warm with a good beach. Or anywhere is really good if you go with someone fun (i.e. my best friend Ashlee)
Job: Legal Secretary and a Mother (and yes, it's a job, for those of you who might argue with me)
What I'm listening to right now: My 3 year old daughter singing all over the house about how she's "ice skating" with her toys, and "Robin Hood" in the background

Ok, so there's the brief description, or something, of me. Have questions? Just ask. Although I can't promise I can answer all of them. One of my old Junior High teachers had a sign displaying this quote: "There are no dumb questions - only dumb answers."


Allison - said...

Ashley has a blog!!!! Yippee!!!!

I love your first post - and especially appreciate hearing that you have a dislike of rapists. LOL.

My question: Where is my extra set of car keys?

My 2nd question. Will you please change your blog to accept anonymous comments, so those of us who don't use to blog can leave comments?? : )

Ashley Rae said...

Glad you came for a visit!

Answer to first question: Look under your sink. I often find mine there.

Answer to 2nd question: Ok. I will do it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, happy day! I can hardly wait to read your daily, but probably not daily, posts! :)

Ashley Rae said...

thanks, Kris! Good to see you here!

Anonymous said...

Ashley! Yeah I am looking forward to hearing more from you.Your Mom sent me an adorable photo' of our darling Kennedy, Happy Thanksgiving and I hope I get to see you over the holidays. LOL

Ashley Rae said...

Thanks, Kathy! It's good to hear from you :) Hopefully Kennedy and I can come see you, soon!